06 - Are Holidays Twisted?
Everybody enjoys celebrating special occasions, however nobody seems to question the things they suggest
Yesterday I realised that summer was truly over. Someone I knew had posted on Facebook it is only 97 days till Christmas! First of all, who cares?! 97 days is a long time! I hadn't even thought about Christmas yet. Although, I started thinking more into the concept of Christmas and other special occasions. Here are some of my favourites
01 - Halloween
Let's start with a pretty obvious one. Halloween is a holiday devoted to pumping kids full of sugar and dressing them in a way which is asking for trouble. Giving kids sweets is like giving a toddler cocaine, the results are unpredictable and probably dangerous for everyone involved. The amount of sweets and chocolate as well are seriously unhealthy. They may as well call it "Day of inflicting heart disease" or "Diabetes day" to be a little catchier. The worst thing is the fact that any random stranger can give sweets to children just because they think they look good! How is that allowed? If its illegal to groom kids every other day of the year, why is acceptable on Halloween? Although, to be fair. Some people do have spectacular pumpkins
02 - Easter
This one gets me a little. Are we really teaching kids a rabbit makes us eggs? If I ever see a child holding a rabbit above their head and looking up, we can blame Easter. The biology lies to use and what happens when kids don't realise that normal eggs and Easter eggs aren't the same? It wont be long before you find some kids trying to eat raw eggs whilst cooking a chocolate egg omelette. Why eggs? They could have made them look like anything they want, but they chose Chicken foetus. Good job marketing companies.
03 - Valentines day
Okay, I think everybody knows that Valentines day is a corporate holiday which is another scam to get couples to show extra affection on days that aren't birthdays, Christmas or anniversaries. This bugs me as it is a waste of time, effort and money. If you love someone you show them all the time (Or not at all, depending on whether or not they want you or if you are a creepy stalker). What I find weird is Cupid and his "Love Arrows." What makes someone think that arrows are romantic? The idea is that if Cupid shoots you with an arrow, you fall in love. That is ridiculous. If Cupid shoots you with an arrow, you bleed and more than likely you will die. Its not hard. Nothing good comes out of being shot with an arrow.
04 - Christmas
It isn't normal. It's just wrong. An old guy. Watches your kids. All year. Decides if they are naughty or not. Breaks into your house. Leaves your kids presents. Then repeats the next year. Someone please explain why we tell our kids this is acceptable? Does this mean any time an old bloke breaks into your house the kids will think its santa? Get a grip parents. Tell kids the truth. It makes life easier.
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